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Save the Date: VoIP Connect - AveriStar Hosted Summit, Feb. 17-19, 2025 | Frisco, TX

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Our team goes above and beyond.

"AveriStar is known in the industry as the "6th Man", not only can we deploy, upgrade, migrate old platforms, and upgrade platforms to new hardware; we are the ones to call when you have a problem. We truly are the one-stop-shop for the entire network, not just BroadSoft, that is where we got our reputation."

- Mark Averi, CEO

Mark Averi

Mark Averi

Chief Executive Officer

Telecommunications has always been a huge interest of Mark’s throughout his career. Mark has worked for three telephone companies – C&P Telephone, BellSouth, and SinglePipe…

Matt Averi

Matt Averi

Chief Technology Officer

Matt Averi, a distinguished technology veteran with 27 years of experience, co-founded AveriStar in 2007 and currently leads as the Chief Technology Officer…

Glen Gaillard

Glen Gaillard

Chief Operations Officer

Mr. Gaillard brings 31 years of telecommunications engineering experience to AveriStar. He began his career at Cable & Wireless with satellite Earth Station Engineering…

"Once we made the decision to purchase BroadWorks, we worked to locate a partner that could design, implement, and support the platform for years to come. Upon speaking with AveriStar (namely Rick), we knew immediately that they were people that we could deal with. They were like-minded, easy to work with, understanding of our business and requirements, and incredibly supportive of how we want to do things. The support from Rick has continued all the way through – long after the sale and implementation – and the willingness to work with us and adapt as we go has been fantastic.

Mark, Matt, and the technical team have also been truly amazing. The support and advice they have given us has been second to none. The commitment and hours dedicated to our company and our customers has really blown us away. AveriStar is a true partner and an extension of our business. When there have been challenges, they have been there without hesitation and with unwavering support. It’s a gushing testimonial that comes from the heart. Our partners, customers, and our company thrives because of AveriStar. We could not recommend them more highly."

Neil Tolley, Managing Director


From every level of engineering to administration and marketing and sales, our customers benefit from our experience in each of these areas and profit from the superior tools that help them grow and operate their business.

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