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Save the Date: VoIP Connect - AveriStar Hosted Summit, Feb. 17-19, 2025 | Frisco, TX

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A real-time, comprehensive overview of your BroadWorks VoIP network -- accessible from one centralized location.


A powerful VoIP infrastructure alerting solution that goes beyond the basic auditing capabilities; providing information on the health of your network before problems arise.

AveriStar Express Monitoring is an on site server-based application designed to surveil BroadWorks VoIP Platforms and associated endpoints, such as phones, softphone applications, and web-based communications software. Our fully-customized proactive solution allows for the monitoring and management (in real-time) of your entire infrastructure from a single dashboard - 24x7x365, resulting in minimized downtime, increased efficiency, and lower support costs.

Express Monitoring:

  • Maximized Uptime: Stay ahead of potential issues with real-time performance and health monitoring.
  • Move from Reactive to Proactive: Prevent escalation and reduce inefficiencies by identifying problem areas early on.
  • Lower Support Costs: Offload burdens placed on IT staff and reduce maintenance efforts with 24x7x365 monitoring.
Express Monitoring

Express Monitoring is part of the PlatformSuccess® suite of products.

Key Benefits

Developed by an Experienced BroadSoft Technology Partner

Easily Add New Services with the Built-In Configuration Wizard

At-a-Glance Access to the Most Useful Information About Your Network

Alerts Automatically Sent to the IT Staff Via Email or SMS

Plan for System Upgrades with Integrated Capacity Planning Graphs

Enterprise-class, Comprehensive VoIP Infrastructure Monitoring


Complete Infrastructure Monitoring

Monitor all crucial components including network infrastructure, operating systems, applications, services, network protocols, and metrics. With hundreds of third-party add-ons you can keep an eye on virtually all in-house systems and services.

Advanced Graphs & More

Easily view and identify problems and resolve them before they become serious network disasters.

Real World Map

Utilize an optional visualization add-on to display IT processes like a mail system or a network infrastructure.

Detect and Deal with Service Changes

Consistently check the status of services and detect when a service changes between OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, and CRITICAL and take appropriate action.

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